Prenatal & Postpartum Counselling

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Supporting Your Journey Through Motherhood

Welcoming a new life into the world is a beautiful and transformative experience, but it can also bring about a range of emotions and challenges. At NeurAlive, we understand the complexities of the pre-natal and post-partum journey and offer compassionate counselling services to support mothers during this transformative time. Our goal is to provide you with the tools, guidance, and understanding you need to navigate the emotional ups and downs of motherhood with confidence and resilience.

Pre-Natal Counselling

Preparing for Parenthood

Preparing for the arrival of your baby is an exciting but often overwhelming time. Our prenatal counselling services are designed to help you navigate the emotional, psychological, and relational aspects of pregnancy. Whether you’re experiencing anxiety, concerns about childbirth, relationship changes, or simply seeking guidance on the transition to parenthood, our experienced counselors are here to support you.

Post-Partum Counselling

Nurturing Maternal Well-Being

The postpartum period can bring a mix of emotions, from joy and bonding with your newborn to feelings of exhaustion, stress, and adjustment challenges. Our postpartum counselling services focus on nurturing your well-being as a mother, addressing issues such as postpartum blues, anxiety, depression, self-care, parenting challenges, and adjusting to life with a new baby. We provide a safe space for you to explore your feelings, develop coping strategies, and build resilience during this transformative time

prenatal and postpartum counselling in victoria & langford, and online

How NeurAlive Can Help

Our experienced counsellors specialize in prenatal and postpartum counselling, offering a range of therapeutic approaches to support your journey through motherhood. We provide:

Individualized Support:

Tailored counselling sessions to address your specific needs, concerns, and goals related to prenatal and postpartum experiences.

Emotional Wellness:

Strategies to enhance emotional well-being, coping skills, stress management techniques, and building resilience as you navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood.

Parenting Support:

Guidance on infant care, bonding with your baby, adjusting to new roles, relationship dynamics, and effective communication strategies with your partner.

Safe and Non-Judgmental Space:

A confidential and supportive environment where you can express your feelings, ask questions, and receive compassionate guidance from our experienced counsellors.

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Specialized Prenatal and Postpartum Counselling

If you’re navigating the prenatal or postpartum journey and could benefit from supportive counselling, NeurAlive is here for you. Our compassionate counsellors are dedicated to helping you thrive as a mother, cultivate emotional wellness, and embrace the joys of motherhood with confidence and resilience. Schedule a confidential consultation today to take the first step towards maternal wellness and support.

Fiona Pasay, RCC
Fiona Pasay, RCC
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Ava Razavi
Ava Razavi, RCC
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prenatal & postpartum counselling

Types of Counselling Available

Addressing negative thought patterns, anxiety, and stress management techniques.


Cultivating present-moment awareness, stress reduction, and self-compassion practices.

Providing information, resources, and support on parenting, infant care, and maternal mental health.

Using creative expression and art-making as a therapeutic tool to explore emotions, process experiences, and promote self-discovery and healing.

… And more! If the approach you are looking for is not listed here, visit Our Therapists page and use the dropdown menu to find a therapist tailored to your needs.

prenatal and postpartum counselling at neuralive

Take the First Step Towards Maternal Wellness

As you navigate the profound journey of pregnancy and early motherhood, NeurAlive is here to offer unwavering support and guidance. Our compassionate counsellors understand the unique challenges and emotions that accompany this transformative time, and we’re committed to helping you cultivate emotional well-being and resilience. Take the courageous step towards prioritizing your mental and emotional health by scheduling a confidential consultation with us today. Let us help you thrive as a mother and embark on a journey of maternal wellness and fulfillment.